Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Greatest Natural Nudity

not be peace Francesco Rutelli, the former now all starting from the Radical Party (leader of the party, even under the protective wing of Marco Pannella Giacinto said) and then arrive at the new training announced this morning, " Alliance for Italy," WOW .. can not call it the Grand Central just because the joke is overused. The group is small but pugnacious. Even an old hand like Tabacci is entered. And together they have launched a dip Calearo (WOW .. another former Falcon industrialists Veneto former and perhaps even former PD thing), that of Walter Veltroni, the Lanzillotta Linda (she is right ..). The Binetti just can not unrivet from PD .. azz. Bella press conference this morning at Palazzo Ruspoli, are good. Francesco Rutelli is rewriting, self-bull of his umpteenth .. "OooplĂ . Here we serve a more "movement". At the center, Pier Ferdinando Casini What do you say to that? Although he has already spoken: "At the regional case we will act." Old story. But one thing I want to say, beyond the lack of interest that causes me Francesco Rutelli, but because of the new "Allies for Italy" is also the former PDL Guzzanti father, someone should warn him that the leader of the movement which it joined Francesco Rutelli is really beautiful and not the imitation that it was his son, Corrado Guzzanti . The second least joking, but the real hell, seems to believe in this thing. Here, another anointed by the Lord, no, by Ruini in person. Inform them, the father: See that your child is not, alas, is true, that behaves like an electron in the theory in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: do not expect to guess where it will be between 24 hours (or even now .. ). Ad Maiora, brothers

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How I Can Get A Bus From Fredericton To Halifax?

Francesco Rutelli, who sleeps ...

Exactly. A quick note service: on the page you are reading or will read (sometimes refer to the archive though ..!) are missing a lot of songs and a couple of record, in the left bar. Disappeared because of belonging to their respective record companies have brought in a bout of bulimia in the media and nothing, not grant them more, not even on YouTube. At the same time, always on these pages, have appeared in the small ads. THAT IS CLEAR: I has nothing to do! I do not gain a pound, I knew nothing, I do not share anything. He did all the servers .. Long live Google, but my voice, but I have NEWS .. hi hi. 73's

Heart Attack Restless Arms

yum .. when the reality ..

Of course, the blog was down for maintenance, so to speak. In fact, my thinking has been devoted to everything that I (we) going on around them. That is: life is still worthwhile to do satire / sarcasm / information / Blog fuck when what you're thinking, the limits of the imagination, as if we were all followers of the Beat generation made them to lick toads, just when you think you can not laugh or be horrified by what happens tell by paradoxes, in reality ', the real one passes you as if you had a Ferrari and a 3-cylinder. There are also rubbing on that, they are stealing the work / hobby. And then you stop and think if you should continue to write. If you can rub in the ability to take the piss. No, almost mission impossible: they are ahead, too far forward, his face as his ass, without restraint (the one that even I sometimes felt the need to use in some post). But let's rub the same. Restless, head down.
Photos: uhhh, I have hundreds of post, beautiful places that really is a shame not to show. Solved the problem of the accumulation and storage, starting once again with them. With enthusiasm. And who gets hurt .. sin .. notes that both photos. Too bad. But this space left on an evening with great enthusiasm and this has to go back to get to me. The rest, the other .... boh ..
their problems Hello hello, see you tomorrow, I promise

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Super Bowl Themed Wording

Be Patient ..

The blog is under maintenance .. please .. hold on .. tnx

Monday, June 15, 2009

What Are The Best Subwoofers For Under Seat

Results of the poetry contest "Minerva" 2009

Dear readers, with some 'delay (due mostly to my personal problems with the computer ...) I list the winners in the three sections of the poetry contest "Minerva", which were awarded Thursday, May 28, 2009 to' San Nicolò Auditorium in Chioggia.

SECTION A - Primary and Secondary School of First Instance

1st place - Kevin Pesthani with the poem "Hold my hand and we will be friends "(Primary School" Don Milani "of Submarine - VE)
2nd place - Giulia Zanella with the poem "Friends" (SMS Cappon "of Cavan - VE)
3rd place - Nicole Zagato with the poem" My friend "(SMS Cappon" of Cavan - VE)

SECTION B - Secondary School Second Grade

1st place - Anastasia Bullo with the poem "Winter Silhouettes" (High School Scientific Lendinara - RO)
2nd place - Stefano Galanti with the poem "Upstream" (High School Scientifico "G. Veronese" Chioggia - VE)
3rd place - Maria Chiara Boscolo with the poem "Happiness" (Liceo Scientifico "G. Veronese" Chioggia - VE)


1st place - Franco Casadei from Cesena with the poem "Do not you come back"
2nd place - Bruno Lazzerotti from Milan with the poem "Winter morning"
3rd place - Gloria Venturini by Lendinara (RO) with the poem "The time of Gaia"

The jury was formed by Dr. Anna Pambianchi, the librarian Stefano English by the INS. Angelo Padoan, by the poet Renzo Ranzato Varisco and the President of "Friends of Poetry" by Giorgio Penzo Chioggia.
thank on behalf of all those who, so many took part in the competition and submit their compositions.
will begin shortly to publish the winning poems in the blog.

soon and stay tuned ...

Gabriella Zozzoli

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Encouragement Letters For Confirmation

Tonight you what you deserve ... I ^

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oscar Statue Cake Pan

Poetry Competition Minerva

1st prize of poetry Minerva
of Chioggia (Venice) 05/15/2009

L ' Association of socio-cultural Minerva Chioggia index the first prize for poetry "Minerva"
Secretary: Spring Street, 149-30015 - Chioggia - e-mail:


1. The Association. socio-cultural "Minerva" establishing the first edition of Chioggia the poetry competition open to all authors of the Italian language.

2. You can participate with one unpublished poem, maximum of 30 lines on any subject. The Board must be received no later than May 15, 2009 three typed copies - of which only one in an envelope bearing outside the section to which you participate, but in the same envelope, stating: name-surname-address - any Phone and e-mail - signature, chairman of the Competition "Minerva"
Zozzoli Gabriella
149 Spring street, Sant'Anna di Chioggia 30015 Fri.
(for pupils in primary and secondary school writing name - surname - their class - the address and name of any school referring teacher).

3. There are three sections:
-a) primary school pupils and secondary obligation
-b) pupils at secondary school level
-c) adults

4. For organizational expenses and secretarial assistance is required - minimum of 5 € -
be sent, preferably with the works only for the section. c) while the sections a) and b)
not require any contribution.

5. Awards: plaques and diplomas are planned for the first three finishers for each section.
The awards will be during the party organized by the Minerva
towards the end of May or early June. Will be notified
written to the winners by letter and e-mail on the date and place. The site
Association ( ) will be inserted
complete list of winners.

6. The jury's decision is final.

7. The papers are not returned.

8. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules.
For information tel. 3384058370 or send an email to:

Information under Deldo. Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 on the protection of personal data: according to art. 13 "statement made at the time of collection data "personal data will be used exclusively for the initiatives promoted by the" Minerva "and will not be disclosed to third parties for any reason, the requested information (name, address) are required, by sending data, the 'concerned authorizing the use and meaning of art. 7 "right of access" may request the correction or cancellation by contacting the chairman of the competition.

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Article from "The Gazzettino" March 27, 2009 (click to enlarge)

What Effect Does Marijuana Have On Blood Pressure

conference debate "Let's talk about ... Extraction of Methane in High Adriatco and Subsidence

-Manifesto Conference
- Conference Call

-Conference Photos