Poetry Competition Minerva
1st prize of poetry Minerva
of Chioggia (Venice) 05/15/2009
L ' Association of socio-cultural Minerva Chioggia index the first prize for poetry "Minerva"
Secretary: Spring Street, 149-30015 - Chioggia - e-mail: minervachioggia@alice.it
1. The Association. socio-cultural "Minerva" establishing the first edition of Chioggia the poetry competition open to all authors of the Italian language.
2. You can participate with one unpublished poem, maximum of 30 lines on any subject. The Board must be received no later than May 15, 2009 three typed copies - of which only one in an envelope bearing outside the section to which you participate, but in the same envelope, stating: name-surname-address - any Phone and e-mail - signature, chairman of the Competition "Minerva"
Zozzoli Gabriella
149 Spring street, Sant'Anna di Chioggia 30015 Fri.
(for pupils in primary and secondary school writing name - surname - their class - the address and name of any school referring teacher).
3. There are three sections:
-a) primary school pupils and secondary obligation
-b) pupils at secondary school level
-c) adults
4. For organizational expenses and secretarial assistance is required - minimum of 5 € -
be sent, preferably with the works only for the section. c) while the sections a) and b)
not require any contribution.
5. Awards: plaques and diplomas are planned for the first three finishers for each section.
The awards will be during the party organized by the Minerva
towards the end of May or early June. Will be notified
written to the winners by letter and e-mail on the date and place. The site
Association ( http://www.minervachioggia.blogspot.com/ ) will be inserted
complete list of winners.
6. The jury's decision is final.
7. The papers are not returned.
8. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules.
For information tel. 3384058370 or send an email to: minervachioggia@alice.it
Information under Deldo. Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 on the protection of personal data: according to art. 13 "statement made at the time of collection data "personal data will be used exclusively for the initiatives promoted by the" Minerva "and will not be disclosed to third parties for any reason, the requested information (name, address) are required, by sending data, the 'concerned authorizing the use and meaning of art. 7 "right of access" may request the correction or cancellation by contacting the chairman of the competition.
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