I confess: I have always been attracted by the mystery of the Etruscans also because, at the time of my high school course of study, this civilization was a sort of dark side of the story: nothing is known, nor the exact history, it changes the company of the people, they write. Thirty years later, everything changed. We know a lot, thanks to the decryption of their writing, really a puzzle, which still hides some dark sides. Visit their burial site was really exciting, caught in their side hidden. Photos:

This is the inside of a crypt. I felt a sense of unease in the photograph. It 'still a sacred place of burial, but my innate curiosity won the taboo. Even with the later, the same feeling ..

As often happened to me in other visits, the places I frequent I have always a "fruity". How strange to find here, near the Etruscan necropolis, a number of apple trees. Small apples and that, given the season, were ready to be collected and many were already falls to the ground, ripe. I usually love to collect and plant the seeds of the fruits that meeting, but this time I did not own .. Having regard to the sacredness of the site. But apples are these:

This had been right there in the balance: I swear that I put myself.
Check out this site, do it with the respect due to the site and then also visit the underground Orvieto. There we will tour the next time. It 'very interesting ..