Sunday, May 2, 2010

Should I Exercise If I Have Herpes

A proud Italian science that is: not only art

A brief introduction: who knows me knows of my interest in broadcasting, Few people know instead of my old interest in astronomy since the time of my correspondence, young, in 1974, with Professor Paolo Maffei from Frascati, the discoverer of galaxies that still bear his name, alas, died recently . The summary? THE RADIOASTRONOMY ..! During my stay in Bologna I happened to pass by almost alongside, but not always at your camera. I speak of Medicine , a few kilometers from the chief town in the plains, a site, the most important in Italy together with that of Noto in Sicily, studies of radio astronomy, to be precise. This time it was time to go to put the nose under the antennas. And the visit was extremely interesting. An antenna porabola dominates the view: up to 39 meters of white steel pointed at the stars, listening to the breath and, below, the compound of antennas known as the Northern Cross , impressive. I got brought up under a little 'ignoring the checkpoint visits for schools at the entrance. But I do not miss some nerve .. hihi than reproached but you would not be the first time .. Photos. If you want to know more about the activities of the center, visit the sites National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF). Enjoy ..
As you can see, images as a whole, are far from impressive but the photos that I did not make the details of the parable, perhaps, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnitude of that frying pan, but are fascinating to me.
But that moment was no need to overdo it and I revealed the entrance to the brain of the antennas, there where there are computers or other devices .. to my great surprise there was only a young researcher, damn .. I do not remember the name just seemed so much to John Belushi .. hi. After a moment's hesitation we (as in to say hi ..) found on the right wavelength, and we talked a little 'and the structure of his work. He told me that he, also being of Ferrara, was helping to build a huge antenna 60 meters in Sardinia and was delighted (PS quell'impianto, after the new budget law and cuts in research will be completed but will not become operational for lack of funds ..! Usual crap).
This is a detail of the lab ..
A note: in the lower left you'll see a PC that says SETI. Well, this plant is in the Project SETI (Searching for Extra Terrestral Intelligence) : in practice, a small portion of the site is busy, "select" any intelligent signals from space provnienti extreme project started with the mega structure Arecibo, Puerto Rico . It can be done from home with your PC, find the sites of the SETI ..
A curious note: Before you get to the antennas have been attracted by high bushes with strange fruit. Obviously I have collected some, I had never seen .. Here they are
Open, are so ..

Despite the succulent appearance, seem to be a delicacy for squirrels but are toxic to humans. A
news: when I am the seed for the hands, I always try to plant them. These fruits Well after many months have produced that I'm taking care of the plants very carefully .. we'll see.
to finish a site I'll point out: E2% 80% 9Csalviamo-known-and-medicine% E2% 80% 9d /
Until next time ..


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